Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world, with over 90 million dogs in the United States alone. And there are a lot of dog names to choose from—and a lot of ways to spell each name.
So, how do you pick a name for your dog? I’ve been researching names for my new puppy for a while now and thought it would be helpful to share what I’ve found. The most popular dog names starting with the letter “D” for both male and female dogs.
Table of Contents
Popular Dog Names Beginning With “D” and Their Meanings:
Drew is a medieval English spelling of the word dragon (dreogan).
Dia – The Irish Gaelic term for gods or goddesses.
Dobby is a village in the English county of Bedfordshire.
Doggie – A colloquial form of “dog”
Dolly – Dorothy’s pet name (which means “favor gift”) or a doll (a type of toy)
Dan – Dan is a shortened form of Daniel.
Duncan – is a Scottish surname that translates as “dark warrior.”
Dora – is the Spanish word for “gift.” Dorothy is a feminine variant, while Doreen is an Irish variant.
Dunstan – An English surname that means “fortress keeper.”
Dugan – is a spelling variation of the name Douglas, which means “son of Douglas.”
Dax – The Basque word for “oak tree” is Dax.
Dodger – A character in Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist.
Duke – A nobility title in many European countries.
Dexter – A name for someone who is dexterous with their hands.
Diesel – A type of fuel, or someone who works hard.
Daddy – Daddy is a nickname for father.
Dahlia – Dahlia is the name of a flower.
Dash – A dash is a dot or a point.
Daisy – Daisy is a common flower name as well as Margaret’s nickname.
Daffy – Daffy is a name for someone who is considered odd or strange.
Davis – A male given name that has been adopted as a surname. It is a shortened form of David.
Dakota – Dakota is a Native American tribe as well as a state in the United States.
Dusty – Dusty is a unisex English name that means ‘grey, dusty.’
Doc – Doc is an English and Irish abbreviation for ‘doctor.’
Dino -Dino is a common nickname for ‘Dennis,’ which means ‘Dionysian follower.’
Divine – The word “divine” comes from the Latin word “sacred.”
Dixie is a Southern English nickname for ‘Antony,’ which means ‘valuable.’
Darwin – “the darlings’ town.”
Donut – donut run, donut yum.
Dora – Dora means “from the daring girl.”
DJ – Noble or obedient?
Dex- Dex is a hunter.
Dia – Dia is a play on the phrase “Of the Day.”
Dick – Ruler over all living things, powerful ruler, or noble ruler
Drax – Determined, seeks
Duke – The one who rules.
Domino is a variant of the word “Dominic.”
Doozy – Doozy is a play on the word “Dudey.”
Dot – Present, A child who was born in the morning.
Dough – Doug is a dark-skinned man.
Dizzy – the state of being perplexed
dazzling – to blind with flashes of light
Decker – someone who constructs decks
Deedee – Deedee is a female name.
Delight – to make someone happy by giving them a lot of pleasure.
Dreamer – someone who fantasizes and has fun.
Drew – to pull or draw forcefully; a surname
Duncan – Duncan is a Scottish name that means “dark river.”
A Dachshund is a German shepherd dog.
Declan – powerful; firm
Donny is a male name derived from the Gaelic Domhnach.
Dustin – the straw that has been processed through a combine
Dora – Fame, a nod to the Greek island of Dora
Dollar – The name given to a 10-real gold coin in Spanish and Portuguese.
Dotty – Dottie is a traditional English name that may be derived from Dorothy, which means “God’s gift.”
Daisy – Daisy is a flower name for the daisy, which has white petals surrounding a yellow center.
Dancer – A dog who enjoys dancing.
Dixie – Dixie is a Southern American name that means ‘down south.’
Daphne – In Greek mythology, the name of a nymph who was turned into a laurel tree to avoid Apollo’s love.
Dandy – A dashing, well-dressed canine.
Date – According to Arabian legend, Date was the name of one of the horses that drew Mohammed’s tomb.
Diesel – A name that evokes the power and strength of a large motor, also known as a diesel engine.
Dingo – A dog in Australia.
Duchy – The female ruler of the Duchy is known as a duchess.
Darcy -A name derived from the English place-name Derby, where a famous racecourse is located.
Duke – The male ruler of the Duchy is known as the Duke.
Diana – Diana is the Roman goddess of the moon and of hunting.
Della -Like Dickens’ character Della, Della means “of the valley.”
Delta – A delta is a river system composed of tributaries that flow into a mainstream.
Disco is an abbreviation for discotheque, which is a funky dance.
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Delilah – In the Bible, the name of Samson’s treacherous lover.
Dapper – A dapper dog is well-dressed!
Didi – Didi is a Spanish diminutive of Dolores that means “sorrows.”
Diva – A female celebrity is referred to as a diva (from the Italian for goddess).
List of Top Male & Female Dog Names that Start with D
For this article, we’ve gathered the names of more than 600 male and female dogs around the world that start with the letter D.
D.J. | Devoria |
D´Artagnan | Devra |
D´Avignon | Devyn |
Da Vinci | Dew |
Daban | Dewfall |
Dabian | Dex |
Dabo | Dexedrine |
Dabsi | Dexina |
Dabur | Dexter |
Dacey | Dhala |
Dachea | Dhana |
Daco | Di |
Dacom | Diablo |
Dacota | Diabolo |
Daddy Cool | Diabolos |
Dado | Diamant |
Dadona | Diamond |
Dados | Diamond |
Daena | Diamontina |
Daena | Diamony |
Daere | Diana |
Daeva | Diana |
Daffodil | Diara |
Daffy | Diavola |
Dafi | Diavolo |
Daggi | Diaz |
Dagmar | Dibah |
Dagmara | Dibala |
Dago | Dibaly |
Dagos | Dibs |
Dagwood | Dice |
Dahna | Dick |
Daico | Dickens |
Daika | Dickson |
Dainty | Dicky |
Daiquiri | Diddle |
Daiquiri | Didi |
Daisy | Dido |
Daisy Duke | Didomo |
Daisy Mae | Diego |
Daiya | Diegos |
Daja | Diesel |
Dajak | Digby |
Dajana | Digger |
Dakini | Dihray |
Dakota | Dilarah |
Dala | Dileila |
Dalai | Dimas |
Dalai Lama | Dime |
Dalary | Dimon |
Dale | Dimples |
Dalenna | Dina |
Daleyza | Dinah |
Dali | Dinai |
Dalida | Dinara |
Dallas | Dingo |
Dally | Dingolo |
Dalma | Dinka |
Dalton | Dinky |
Damara | Dinky |
Damaris | Dinla |
Damariss | Dinlay |
Damayanti | Dinny |
Dameron | Dino |
Damian | Dio |
Damiana | Diogenes |
Damien | Diona |
Damilio | Dione |
Damilo | Dionysie |
Daminia | Dipou |
Damion | Dipsy |
Damita | Dira |
Damon | Diras |
Damonti | Diraso |
Damty | Dirce |
Damy | Dirgo |
Dan | Dirgolo |
Dana | Dirk |
Dana | Disa |
Danae | Disana |
Danaye | Disco |
Dancer | Diskus |
Dandee | Disney |
Dandelion | Dita |
Dandy | Ditta |
Danessa | Diva |
Danger | Divana |
Dani | Divinia |
Danie | Divo |
Daniel | Divot |
Daniela | Dix |
Danielli | Dixie |
Danifa | Dixie |
Danika | Dixy |
Danila | Diza |
Danilo | Dizzy |
Danio | Djambo |
Danira | Djamil |
Daniyah | Djamila |
Danja | Djana |
Danna | Django |
Danna | Djanka |
Danne | Djengys |
Dannica | Djinn |
Dannie | Djona |
Danny | Djuny |
Danny | Djura |
Danos | Djurana |
Dante | Djury |
Danton | Djusana |
Danty | Doanna |
Danu | Dobi |
Danube | Doc |
Danuta | Docki |
Dany | Doddy |
Danylynn | Dodge |
Daphira | Dodger |
Daphne | Dodges |
Dara | Dodi |
Daracha | Dodo |
Darcon | Doggy |
Darcy | Doheny |
Darex | Dohia |
Dargan | Dojan |
Daria | Dojano |
Darielle | Dokas |
Darik | Doksa |
Dario | Dolby |
Darios | Dolce |
Daris | Dolf |
Darius | Dolina |
Darja | Dolito |
Darjeeling | Dolittle |
Dark | Dolkas |
Darka | Dolkyo |
Darklyn | Dolla |
Darkness | Dollar |
Darkyn | Dolly |
Darla | Dolono |
Darla | Dolores |
Darleen | Dolores |
Darlene | Dolphin |
Darlina | Doma |
Darlyn | Domela |
Darnetta | Domenica |
Darnisha | Domenico |
Darth Vader | Domenikus |
Darwin | Domiduca |
Dascha | Domika |
Dash | Domina |
Dasher | Domingo |
Daska | Dominicana |
Dasko | Dominique |
Daskor | Domino |
Daspel | Domio |
Dasper | Don |
Daspl | Don Camillo |
Dasplo | Don Penato |
Dasty | Don-Juan |
Data | Don-Paolo |
Datzi | Donald |
Däumling | Donaldo |
Dave | Donar |
Davelle | Donata |
Daveney | Donatello |
David | Donato |
Davida | Donatus |
Davidson | Donetta |
Davina | Donex |
Davis | Donisha |
Davos | Donja |
Dawn | Donka |
Daworka | Donko |
Dax | Donna |
Daxi | Donna |
Daxima | Donna Marie |
Dayana | Donner |
Dayanara | Donny |
Daymion | Donolonso |
Dayna | Doodle |
Dayo | Doodly |
Dazzler | Doogie |
De Vito | Dooley |
Dea | Doolittle |
Dealy | Dooya |
Dean | Doppa |
Deba | Dora |
Debay | Dora |
Debbie | Dorabella |
Debby | Doralia |
Deblin | Doralice |
Deborah | Dorano |
Decima | Dorant |
Decimus | Dorathy |
Decorator | Dorax |
Dee | Dorcas |
Dee Dee | Dorchen |
Deela | Dordie |
Deelayla | Doreen |
Deema | Doreen |
Deena | Dorena |
Deeny | Dorex |
Deeola | Dori |
Deeta | Doria |
Deety | Dorian |
Defender | Dorin |
Defense | Dorina |
Defenso | Dorit |
Degas | Dorle |
Degra | Dorlette |
Deidra | Dorli |
Deidre | Dorlisa |
Deika | Doro |
Deikla | Dorolima |
Deima | Doroteya |
Deistra | Dorothy |
Deja | Dorro |
Déjà Vu | Dorte |
Dejan | Dorus |
Dejanto | Dory |
Dekotah | Dosca |
Dela | Dosco |
Delaware | Dosso |
Delay | Dostojewski |
Delia | Dotaby |
Delicia | Dotger |
Deliciae | Dots |
Delight | Dotsy Due |
Delilah | Dotty |
Delmara | Douce |
Delmira | Douchka |
Delos | Doug |
Delphi | Dougal |
Delphine | Douglas |
Delsa | Dovey |
Delu | Downtown |
Deluxe | Dowsie |
Demetria | Dozer |
Demi | Dr. Krombacher |
Dena | Dr. Who |
Denali | Draco |
Denise | Draga |
Denja | Drago |
Dennis | Dragon |
Denny | Dragoner |
Denver | Dragonfire |
Deona | Drakkar |
Deputy | Drako |
Derby | Drasso |
Deree | Draya |
Derius | Dream |
Derky | Dreamer |
Derora | Dreamweaver |
Derrica | Dreamweaver |
Derrick | Drebbin |
Derron | Drigon |
Derry | Drolly |
Derryl | Droopy |
Derston | Drops |
Dervla | Drusilla |
Derya | Dschinnah |
Desdemona | Dshingis Khan |
Desdemona | Duana |
Desiree | Dubheasa |
Desko | Duchess |
Deslo | Duchesse |
Deslon | Dudette |
Desmi | Dufal |
Desmond | Duffy |
Desoto | Dulce |
Desperado | Dulcinea |
Desperados | Duleama |
Despina | Duljanella |
Dessa | Dunja |
Dessy | Dura |
Destan | Duri |
Destiny | Durka |
Detina | Duscha |
Detlef | Dutches |
Deuce | Dylana |
Deus | Dyra |
Deva | Dyrka |
Devet | Doko |
Devi | Dumler |
Devika | Duchi |
Devil | Danim |
Devina | Devdas |
Devine | Doland |
Devito | Domby |
Devlin | Droopy |
Which one is better: male or female names for dogs that start with the letter D?
There is no definitive answer as both male and female names for dogs that start with the letter D can be effective. However, some people may prefer male names for dogs that start with the letter D because they sound more aggressive or dominant. Female names for dogs that start with the letter D may sound cuter to some people.
Is there any meaning behind the letters in this particular set of dog names and what does it mean to you personally if your new puppy has this set of letters as his/her first letters in his/her new life?
- Aiden – Derived from the Irish word “aideen,” meaning “peace.” This name may be chosen for a puppy who brings peace and tranquility into your home.
- Bella – Bella means “beautiful” in Italian, and this name may be chosen for a female dog who is beautiful inside and out.
- Brooklyn – Brooklyn derives its name from New York City, where many of today’s top dogs were originally bred. This name may be chosen for a pup who brings new life and excitement into your life.
- Cameron – Cameron means “calm waters” in Scottish Gaelic, which could describe a personality that is gentle but determined. This name may be chosen for a puppy who calms you down when things get hectic.
- Cashmere – Cashmere comes from the Tibetan word meaning “fine soft wool.” This name may be given to a male or female dog who has soft fur like cashmere.
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Top Human Dog Names
- Riley
- Charlie
- Milo
- Oliver
- Sophia
- Emma
- Benjamin
- Hunter
- Cooper
- Kiara
- Carli
- Camila
- Zoey
- Hazel
- Augustus
- Kevin