How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed to Fit Your Needs

The goal of every dog owner is to have a happy, healthy, and loved dog. In order to get the most out of your furry friend, you need to be an expert on choosing the perfect breed.

How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed

Choosing the perfect dog breed is difficult, as they vary significantly and have specific requirements. Before committing your time and attention, you should have a solid understanding of each breed’s finer details.

How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed

To avoid the experience of raising a dog with serious health problems, cancer, other hereditary diseases, or aggression towards humans or animals.

You do not have to be a professional canine behaviorist to understand the basics of dog breeds.

You can easily compare and contrast different breeds, their appearance, and their traits. Plus, you will be able to make well-informed decisions about dogs in terms of size, energy levels, and temperament.

Prior to making a decision, make sure you have all the information you need. For example, consider a dog with a short coat. You are most likely to carry it out for daily walks, play, and exercise.

However, in cold weather conditions, the shaggy or long-coated dogs will have more suitable conditions for your needs.

In this article, we have explained 10 factors you should consider when choosing a right dog breed.

1. size:

Perhaps the most obvious factor to take into consideration when choosing a dog breed is the size of the dog; as an owner, you’ll want to make sure that you choose a dog breed that’s compatible with your lifestyle, and with the space you have available.

The decision to get a medium or a large dog will depend on personal preference, but in the end, it’s the size of the dog that you choose that’s going to make all the difference.

Size is important for many reasons; for example, you’ll need a dog that’s large enough to play with, but small enough to be house-trained.

Larger dogs can easily develop health problems as they grow older and might not be suitable for a small home. 

In addition, if you have a large acreage outside or prefer playing in the backyard with your dog, you’ll want to make sure that your dog’s breed is appropriately sized so that it can move around freely with ease.

2. Energy Levels:

Another important factor to consider is a dog’s energy levels, which can vary greatly from breed to breed. For example, if you want a dog that’s energetic and playful, you’ll want to choose a breed that has an exuberant personality and plenty of stamina.

A high-energy breed will be happy spending time outdoors or walking with its owner but if you’re looking for a relaxed dog that is calm indoors and can handle periods of being alone, then it might be better to choose a low-energy breed, such as a poodle.

How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed

3. Intelligence:

Just like humans, dog breeds have varying levels of intelligence. For example, border collies and German shepherds are considered to have high intelligence.

However, if you’re looking for a dog that obeys your commands with little or no training then you’ll want to choose an intelligent breed of dog.

Most breeds will recognize their owner’s voice as well as the tone in which commands are given and take every word to heart rather than simply ignoring your commands; however, some breeds will be more adept at listening to your commands than 

4. Temperament:

Each breed has its own distinct personality; these personalities can vary significantly from one breed to another as well as from dog to dog within the same breed.

In other words, each dog will have a different temperamental personality, and it’s something you should consider when choosing your next best friend; you’ll want to choose a dog breed that fits your lifestyle, your home, and most importantly, you.

The temperament of a dog is crucial to establishing a good relationship and working with the canine. While you can simply decide on a breed based on the look, make sure that you take into account its temperament as well, as this will provide you with the tools necessary to properly interact with the animal.

Interestingly, temperament can be described in many different ways; for example, there are those that suggest that a dog with a gentle temperament is friendlier and more affectionate, while others will say that an animal has an aggressive or even violent nature.

When choosing your dog breed, it’s always a good idea to find out what type of temperament your new pet is likely to have so that you can better prepare yourself for working with it.

5. Health Issues:

While it’s true that most dog breeds are perfectly healthy and low-maintenance, there are still some distinctive health issues that certain breeds are prone to.

For example, different breeds are more susceptible to specific types of cancer and diabetes. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you’re well informed about health issues that your breed of choice may have as it grows older so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing or adopting one.

6. Coat:

As a dog owner, you’ll want to consider the type of coat your dog has as well; short, long, and smooth coats are popular among a significant proportion of dog owners in the United States, with long and short-coated dogs being the most commonly selected by American buyers.

This comes down to personal choice; you should be familiar with the specific needs of each coat type before making a final decision.

For example, if you want a warm and fluffy dog, your best bet is to get one with a long coat, but if you’re looking for a low-maintenance pup that will be easy to clean, smooth-coated dogs are the way to go.

7. Lifespan:

While you can’t necessarily expect to have your new dog for life, it’s important that you make sure that you’re getting a dog breed that has a particularly long lifespan.

For example, the average lifespan of a German shepherd is between 8 to 10 years, which is longer than some of the other popular breeds, including the golden retriever with a lifespan of 8 to 12 years and the famous Labrador retriever with a lifespan between 10 to 12 years.

Related Post: 20 Best Dog Breeds With Long Lifespans

As an owner, you should make sure that you’re getting a dog breed that will live long enough to provide you with the companionship and entertainment you’re looking for.

8. compatibility with kids

If you have young children, it’s your responsibility as a parent to make sure that you’re getting a dog breed that’s particularly kid-friendly.

The best way to do this is by looking into the specific traits of each breed; while many dogs have a natural affinity towards children.

There are some breeds that are better than others when it comes to putting up with the wild antics of kids; for example, dogs like the German shepherd, golden retriever, and Labrador retriever are all incredibly good with kids.

In general, it’s a good idea to choose a dog breed that has the potential to become a great family pet; however, make sure to do your research before finalizing your decision so that you can make an informed choice. 

9. Trainability:

As an owner, you’ll want to make sure that the dog you adopt is especially trainable; training a dog is a long-term commitment, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

In fact, if you choose the right breed of dog for your needs and wants, it can be incredibly easy.

It helps to choose a breed that’s particularly friendly in temperament and has been known to be eager to please their owners as well.

For example, dogs like the Australian shepherd, German shepherd, and golden retriever are all particularly well-known for their willingness to work with their owners and do what it takes to become great family pets. 

10. Aggression:

It’s your responsibility as an owner to make sure that you’re getting a dog breed that is known for its calm and friendly demeanor.

As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid choosing large or aggressive dogs as they can cause injury or stress if they’re not trained properly.

On the other hand, smaller dogs are often more nimble and affectionate, making them a better choice for children and other pets in your home.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it is important to think about the needs of the specific breed of dog you are considering when making your decision.

There are many different types of dogs that are perfect for different people, so it is important to find the one that will fit your lifestyle and personality.

With this in mind, there are the above mentioned factors you consider to make your decision easier.

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Dog trainer, Author & Life coach at

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